We offer a 10-month program, from September through June. Offering summer classes, specialty classes as well as Master classes.
Pricing is based on the total number of class hours each week.
Classes run from September - recital date in June and tuition is not pro-rated.
Pricing plan applies to group classes only.
Solos, duets, and trios are priced separately.
Tuition is billed in 10 equal installments with the 9th and 10th installments billed May 1.
2024-2025 Pricing
Total Weekly Class Hours Total Monthly Tuition
30-60 minutes $65.00
1 hour 15 minutes $75.00
1 hour 30 minutes $85.00
1 hour 45 minutes $95.00
2 hours $105.00
2 hours 15 minutes $115.00
2 hours 30 minutes $125.00
2 hours 45 minutes $135.00
3 hour $145.00
3 hours 15 minutes $155.00
3 hours 30 minutes $165.00
3 hours 45 minutes $175.00
4 hours $180.00
4 hours 15 minutes $185.00
4 hours 30 minutes $190.00
4 hours 45 minutes $195.00
5 hours $200.00
5 hour 15 minutes $205.00
Unlimited: 5 hours 30 minutes or more $210.00
Solo, duet, or trio tuition is $90 per month (per person)
Same dancer: 2nd solo/duet. or trio is $75 per month (per person)
2024 - 2025 Registration Fee:
$40 registration fee for first dancer, $20 for second dancer within the same family
Any registration received September 1st - September 30th will be an additional $10.00
Any registration October 1st or after will be $60.00 per person
No registrations will be accepted after November 1.
We do not prorate tuition for dancers that register for classes mid-way through the month.
Competition dancers pay a $60 registration fee and must audition for placement in July.
Musical theatre enrollment requires enrollment in Ballet, Tap and Jazz.
Dancers that wish to reserve a solo or duet spot must take a core class in the same genre as their solo. For example, a dancer must take a tap class to have a tap solo.
Solo/duet/trio classes are a commitment for the length the dance year from the date of registration. If a dancer withdraws from a time-slot, the year's tuition is due upon withdrawal. The time/day can not be switched once the slot has been reserved unless you are able to switch with another dancer, with teacher approval.
If the studio is forced to close by the state or the health department classes will run their normal schedule on zoom until we are able to reopen the studio. Tuition will remain the same.
All families are required to be enrolled in auto-pay in order to enroll in classes. All payments will be charged to the card on file each month.
​* Costume and recital fees will be billed when they are due throughout the year.
* No refunds are provided UNLESS the studio cancels a class for the year.
Each year we offer one or two fundraisers to help defray the cost of tuition, costumes or any other studio charges. Participation is optional.​